Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Wild horses are a draggin'
And I'm kicking and screaming.
Tears, pleading, begging, moaning:
And that's just the horses.

There's nothing sadder than a crying horse.

So I stop resisting - externally, at least,
And go along, submissive.

Here I am.
What now?
I don't want to be here.
When will this be over? Ah, finally.
Slip away quietly,
No good-byes, no hugs, just polite smiles and an icy aura saying,
"If you're between me and the door, you'll be flattened."

Going. Gone.
The crying horse is silent
And that silence is worse than sadness.
A beautiful mare, still sleek with sweat,
Waiting in the fresh meadow -
But I like the smelly barn.

Monday, August 07, 2006


10 He let go.
20 His rage spewed out like a cosmic volcano.
30 He didn't care who saw.
40 He didn't care what they thought.
50 He uncaged his primal animal and surrendered to its passions.
60 He burst, like a balloon over-injected with shaving cream.
70 He made a huge mess.
80 He wept bitterly.
90 He got up and dried his face.
100 He cleaned up his mess.
110 He apologized to the right people.
120 He confessed his sins, and was absolved.
130 He pretended like it never happened.
140 He waited for it to happen again.
150 GOTO 10

My Photo
Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Call me Doogie. I got that nickname from making journal entries on my computer back in college... kinda like what I'm doing now. I'm a former Free Methodist and current (and permanent) Roman Catholic. I'm also a politically aware Canadian who votes Conservative. Rabid Sens fan. I am magnetically drawn to true, sharp wit, and thus appreciate Chesterton, Lewis, Churchill, Python... all the clever Brits. Got a beautiful wife, cute kids, interesting new job, filthy minivan, big mortgage, etc.